Welcome to Bible Baptist Church!

Looking for a Bible-believing church? Search no further. What we will guarantee to you is that you will be fed with the word of God, and be led to a Christ-centered life in here. Our Bible studies will be tremendously thorough and easily understandable, covering theological basics, cults, end times prophecy, deep doctrines, and verse-by-verse commentaries. The King James Bible will be practiced and proven against all religions, philosophies, and beliefs. The singing of this church will have hymns and specials intended to praise our Saviour and touch the hearts of the congregation. The impact of the preaching about sin, soul-winning, warfare, encouragement, and joy will convict, inspire, and comfort the hearers.

Service Times

Sunday Service: 11:00am-12:30pm
Thursday Evening Prayer Meeting and Bible Study: 6:00pm-8:00pm

Connect with us

Pastor Vincent: (412) 735-6995
Deacon John Paul: (724) 323-4665
Pastor's Email: vstry136@gmail.com
Youtube: @vincentstrycula

Pastor Vincent

Thank you for visiting our website! My focus as the Pastor of this church is that the Lord Jesus Christ has the preeminence in all things we do. I believe in edifying the church through the preaching and teaching of God's word. For more about my testimony see the "about us" page.

NOTICE: Bible Baptist's Congregation does not meet in the main sanctuary. Use the right door in the front of the building that is labeled "office entrance". Make a right down the hall. Our room is on the right, past the "Pastor's Office". Feel free to call with any questions. We look for forward to seeing you!

For Online Giving PayPal to: BibleBaptistofPlum

200 Elicker Rd, Pittsburgh PA, 15239